I've become convinced that Facebook is popular because people are so IMPOSSIBLY bored these days. Seriously. Before I go any further, I should make it clear that I have a facebook account. And I look at it about once a week or maybe a couple times a month. And it is way boring to me, but I've looked at it because I don't have anything better to do--Actually, I probably do have stuff to do, just stuff I don't want to do. This really bugs me. Blogging may be in that same vein (it can be a timewaster, etc.) but you don't get the retarded updates all the time. Who cares is "Tim is taking it easy" or "Jim is loving the office" or whatever else.
Some may say blogging is the same kind of thing, but I disagree. For instance, because of blogs, I can see what people are up to(not superficially), get ideas for places to ski, and reading opinions on life and people's experiences and commentaries. In short stuff that is way more meaningful than "Eric hates doing the dishes." By the way, what is up with all of the Karl-Malone-third-person speak on Facebook? Annoying.
KDay posted an awesome video about flutter, the second generation twitter. Check it out here.
I've kept my blog so I can document some of the things that I've been able to do and remind myself that sometimes life can be really good. That, and to let the single digit followers of my weak-sauce blog know how awesome I am. O.k. I'm think I'm done ranting. Bloggers, keep blogging so I have some productive ways to waste my time. :)
While I was writing this, Jami gave me a tattoo to remind me who's number one. I didn't realize I was so freckly, but whatever.

Sweet tat. Jami was smart to mark you with ballpoint pen. Once I gave Jeffy a tattoo with a green sharpie. It rubbed off and stained his shirt. Whoops.
P.S. I am proud to say I have never had a Facebook account. Not that I am anti-Facebook, I just felt that the blog took enough of my time.
Amen to that. I haven't really figured out what the deal is with FB. I've only been on it for maybe 2 months? TIME WASTER.
And I like the tat, too.
In my opinion these things start out as time-fillers, like when you have five minutes to kill you check your email, blogs, or now facebook. The things is annoying when you end up wasting so much time on it. When someone is eating a bowl of ice cream they might: turn on the TV, check facebook, read a book, watch youtube, check their email OR actually sit down and have a conversation with a real live human being. I guess there is not necessarily a "right or wrong" way to fill your time, but in theory it would be nice to use free time to spend with family or friends, or at least do something where you are learning (like a book or something). There are definitely time-fillers that are way more productive than others. I have to say though, every once in a while, it's nice to just turn off your brain and do something totally pointless. As long as you aren't missing out on relationships, adventures, or anything else in your life because of it. Anyway, I agree facebook is totally annoying and I'm not the hugest fan, but so are other time-wasters and I think we all need a little down time now and again. :) This is Jami btw. I like your blog, husband.
Amen. "Nate just posted a comment to L-train's blog..."
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