I sat at a small desk in a small apartment in a big city in California. I was looking at blogs. I read blogs of randosteve adventuring in the Tetons. Of the Samurai adventuring in the Wasatch. Of KDay racing. It was 2008. Seeds were planted in my brain of what I wanted to do--A quarter-life crisis? Yes, I think it was. A couple of directional career changes and I was back in Utah. I knew I wanted to ski more. I bought a few pieces of touring gear. I had know idea what I was doing so I bought heavy stuffs. Hip flexor-straining stuff.
The Xterra winter skimo race in March 2009 was $35 and close to home so I thought I'd sign up and go check it out. Lycra-clad racers, tiny skis, green boots and big cardio were aplenty at the start line. Despite my heavy gear I soldiered on and was convinced that this was the hardest physical activity I had ever participated in. Ironman notwithstanding. I did the shorter 8k course and got lapped by some of the 12k racers like the Samurai and others. I got a medal for being the second female finisher in the heavy metal category. How very appropriate. Despite feeling absolutely crushed, I was hooked. This new secret world of rando racing was discovered that day. I've looked back at that first race experience and laughed alot at what a punter* I was and some of the stuff I did during the race. Ah the memories.
In 2010 I raced heavy metal at Grand Targhee and the Powderkeg. Painfully slow, but wanting to get faster & lighter.
In 2011 I raced Jackson Hole & Targhee back to back (brutal), and the Powderkeg with bronchitis--I don't recommend ever doing that.
In 2012, I raced the Jackson weekend again (faster this time), all of the Wasatch citizen series races and the powderkeg this time with a cold or maybe even bronchitis again. I've had terrible luck with the powderkeg. 3 races, One with a limp, 2 while sick. That 2012 powderkeg was literally one of the worst days of my life. I wanted to DNF so badly but kept going for some reason. I was a broken man at the finish.
So here I am at the beginning of 2013. I'm optimistic that this could be a good year for me. I'm a proud owner of race skis, race boots, a skin suit--a bona fide race setup for the first time ever. I'm hoping to be fitter and faster in 2013. At least compared to the me in prior years. So goodbye past and hello future! Happy new year!
(What is with the hyperlinks?? They magically appear and I can't figure out how to get rid of them. Help?)
*From Urban Dictionary's definition of punter:
"(In the world of professional skiing, ski racing, selected freestyle skiers, upper-level alpine skiing, those skiers 'in the know')
A lower-class skier. A skier that cannot ski a blue or black ski run. A certain breed of skier frowned upon by other skiers that know what they are doing. Often wears the 'punter uniform' consisting of a jacket from the 60's, jeans tucked into ski boots, a baseball cap and sunglasses or a neckwarmer worn as a hat. If this describes you, go away.
Also, all snowboarders."
Finishing my first race--the now dead winter xterra. |
Sadie in first touring boots. My heels may still have the scars from the blisters. |
Little shredder. |