Last night I went on a quick MTB ride on the shoreline trail. It is a quick little section that is perfect for a 1 hour burn. Anyways, I came across this:

I have two thoughts on this--First, horses can eat alot. Second, it shouldn't be sitting right in the middle of the trail. I'm all for people going for runs, rides & hikes with animals (Aside: We had a rad dog growing up named Bandit that we loved to take hiking & running.) but if nature is calling him in the middle of the trail, take
measures. It doesn't seem fair to everyone else that has to hike/ride/run by a steamer left by someone's animal.
IPeople with horses need to be held to the same standard as other pet owners and they should start using mutt mitts. Who agrees with me? I think Davis County needs to make an ordinance against horse poop all over the trails. Cowboys always talk about how they're tough. This would be good toughness training for them.