My intention was just to get out and skin a little bit, and just be out. My friend Tanner joined me for his first ever tour. We skied main baldy chute in pretty good conditions although it was all tracked out and some bumps were starting to form. Despite the early season conditions and marginal sun-baked snow, I think the hook is firmly set in him.
I'm still waiting to get my new boots and bindings. Who knows why a ski company doens't have all their product shipped by 10/1. ETA is mid-November.
Last week I ran about just over 40 miles with about 7-8k of vert and was able to get a few turns in too. Nothing too crazy. I'm starting to feel a little bit of fitness for the upcoming winter. I have 4 or maybe 5 races circled this winter. We'll see how it goes.
Superior at sunrise.

Tanner above snowbird looking down canyon.

Main Baldy entrance.

Coverage was better than I thought it would be.