I finally convinced my younger brother Boog to come out on a ski tour last Saturday. The crazy snowpack this year has forced us to meadow skip this winter. We would have ventured into the steep stuff, but noone had brought an avalanche helmet.

At the beginning of the winter I had Lone Peak, Coalpit, Lisa Falls, and Kessler on my list of objectives. Lisa Falls Couloir is probably the only one that is safe right now (has anyone skied it yet this winter?), but with the thin snowpack, might not go right now.
Anyways, Boog (Jeff), Greg (Boog's med-school buddy), Nate and I went up Farmington (again) to ski. I have to admit, I sorta hate the long flat skin to the goods, but we only saw 2 other skiers and they were leaving right as we got there so it is kinda worth it. There must only be a few of us who ski up there. We had an interesting assortment of ski rigs. Greg had F1's, Trabs & dynafits, Boog had some Head alpine boots, my loaner pocket rockets/naxos & I was somewhere in the middle with my bluehouse/dynafit/megaride combo. Nate had basically the same setup as Jeff.
We gained the ridge, let the wind nearly blow us over, and made some great turns down through some trees. We made a few laps through the trees, skied one last run off of our parking lot ridge--we should probably give it a name or something--and had to leave so Nate could go on a date. I hope she was a hotty Nate! By the end of the day, we were all in various stages of bonking, so it was time to end it anyway. There are some rad looking chutes off the summit of Bountiful Peak that will have to wait another day.
I'm trying to get some ski time in my legs to do the CROWBAR, powderkeg & maybe Jackson Hole next month. We'll see--not sure how much I want to commit to on my heavies. Wish I had the coin for some rando race skis & boots right now, but maybe next year. Can I get a sponsor? Please? We'll see.
One more Tami Knight cartoon: